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 مجموعة كتب منوعة!

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مؤسس الموقع

. : بيانات اصافية
المشاركات : 285
نقاط : 634
التقييم : 0
الانتساب : 14/01/2011

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Apress Book Collection
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 12987956749387034028
Apress, Inc. is a publisher of information technology books, based in
New York City. Apress books, for the most part, are characterized by a
uniform yellow and black design. Topics covered relate largely to
programming issues, on both proprietary and open source platforms,
although hardware hacking is also a theme. Sorry unable to list each
title here as there is not enough room but this collection includes 869


مجموعة كتب منوعة! Ajaxwithph

Apress Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional | 1590596676 | English | CHM | 3.5 Mb

Ajax breathes new life into web applications by transparently
communicating and manipulating data in conjunction with a server-based
technology. Of all the server-based technologies capable of working in
conjunction with Ajax, perhaps none are more suitable than PHP, the
world's most popular scripting language.
Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional is the first book
to introduce how these two popular technologies can work together to
create next-generation applications. Author Lee Babin covers what you
commonly encounter in daily web application development tasks, and shows
you how to build PHP/AJAX-enabled solutions for forms validation, file
upload monitoring, database-driven information display and manipulation,
web services, Google Maps integration, and more.

About the Author
Lee Babin is a programmer based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where he
serves as the Chief Programmer for an innovative development firm duly
named The Code Shoppe. He has been developing complex web driven
applications since his graduation from DeVry University in early 2002
and has since worked on over 50 custom websites and online applications.
Lee is married to a beautiful woman by the name of Dianne, who supports
him in his rather full yet rewarding work schedule. He enjoys video
games, working out, martial arts, and traveling, and can usually be
found working online on one of his many fun web projects at any given
time.While Lee has experience in a multitude of web programming
languages, his preference has always been PHP. With the release of PHP
5, many of his wishes have been fulfilled.


Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX
مجموعة كتب منوعة! Aspajaxpro
Wallace B. McClure, Paul Glavich, Steve C. Orr, Craig Shoemaker, Steven A. Smith, Jim Zimmerman, "Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX"
Wrox | ISBN 0470112832 | July 10, 2007 | 344 Pages | PDF | 5.4MB

With this comprehensive introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX framework
technologies, you'll quickly learn how to build richer, more dynamic web
sites and web applications. It provides you with an in-depth
understanding of ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX and clearly shows you how to apply the
framework. You'll also find numerous code examples throughout the
chapters that you'll be able to utilize as you begin creating your
applications. Written by a team of Microsoft MVPs, this book will get
you up to speed on how to program the ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX framework on the
ASP.NET platform. After delving into the framework, it demonstrates how
to perform basic AJAX-style operations with web services, using the
UpdatePanel, the AJAX Control Toolkit, and other features. You'll then
progress to more advanced aspects of the framework, including security,
integration with the ASP.NET services, and debugging


Beginning Expression Web
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 0470073152
Zak Ruvalcaba, «Beginning Expression Web» (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Publisher: Wrox | Number Of Pages: 474 | Publication Date: 2007-03-06 | ISBN / ASIN: 0470073152 | PDF | 10 MB[/b
Microsoft Expression Web gives you the tools to develop sophisticated
sites that integrate standardized CSS layout with ASP.NET 2.0, XML, and
SQL Server™ 2005. Written by an experienced ASP.NET and Dreamweaver Web
developer, this book shows you how to take advantage of all of
Expression Web’s innovative features to create a memorable online

Zak Ruvalcaba provides you with expert tips and techniques on Web page
structuring, page formatting using style sheets, utilizing HTML forms,
and working with XML data. As you progress through each chapter, you’ll
discover how to apply this information in order to design and develop
new Web applications. Task-oriented examples are also integrated
throughout the pages book that you can leverage as you build your own
cutting-edge, standards-based Web site.

Some of the topics covered include:

Working with Images, Media, and Hyperlinks
Page Formatting Using Cascading Style Sheets
Web Page Structuring Techniques by Using Tables
Advanced Page Structuring Techniques by Using Layers and CSS
Designing Table-less Web Sites by Using Layers and CSS
Adding Interactivity with Behaviors including Call Script, Check
Browser, Check Plug-in, Go To Url, Open Browser Window, and Preload
Working with HTML Forms and Form Controls including input text and
password, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop down boxes, and testing your
Introduction to Web Application Development including client side, server side, and .NET introductions
Accessing and Displaying Database Data including connecting to both
Access and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition databases and working with
DataSource Controls, List Bound controls, and data controls
Inserting, Editing, and Deleting Database Data including working with the FormView and GridView controls
Validating User Input with RequiredFieldValidator, CompareValidator,
RangeValidator, ValidationSummary, RegularExpressionValidator, and
CustomValidator controls
Securing Your Web Applications including configuring application services and forms authentication
Working with XML Data including binding XML data and working with RSS


Getting the Hang of Web Typography Ebook#6
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 6-cover
Getting the Hang of Web Typography Ebook#6
Smashing Media GmbH | 2011 | PDF | ISBN n/a | English | 257 pages | 13 MB

The new Smashing eBook #6, Getting The Hang of Web Typography, is
dedicated to all those web workers that are dealing with typography in
their daily lives , but have no special training for this independent
craft. As a result there's been a flood of poorly designed and illegible
web pages. The new techniques that web fonts offer - much hailed by
some and dreaded by others - might bring about even worse examples of
ugly and illegible web typography.

url: http://ebooksetyo.blogspot.com/2011/...hy-ebook6.html


Learn JavaScript and Ajax with w3Schools
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 5199I1UySdL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_
You will learn:

* What javascript is and isn't
* How to put javascript into an HTML page
* javascript special characters and guidelines
* How to use javascript operators
* If... else statements and do... while loops
* All about javascript objects
* How to use Ajax properties
* What the Ajax XMLHttpRequest Object does



Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 0015edc444
Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional
Publisher: Apress | ISBN: 1590595521 | edition 2006 | PDF | 953 pages | 17,6 mb

Beginning PHP 5 and MYSQL: From Novice to Professional offers a
comprehensive introduction to two of the most popular Web application
building technologies on the planet: the scripting language PHP and the
MySQL database server. This book will not only expose you to the core
aspects of both technologies, but will provide valuable insight into how
they are used in unison to create dynamic data-driven Web applications.
Beginning PHP 5 and MYSQL explains the new features of the latest
releases of the world’s most popular Open Source Web development
technologies: MySQL 4 database server and PHP 5 scripting language. This
book explores the benefits, extensive new features, and advantages of
the object-oriented PHP 5, and how it can be used in conjunction with
MySQL 4 to create powerful dynamic Web sites.


Beginning PHP5 (Programmer to Programmer)
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 00182b9263
Beginning PHP5 (Programmer to Programmer)
Publisher: Wrox | ISBN: 0764557831 | edition 2004 | CHM | 859 pages | 37,8 mb

Beginning PHP5 is a complete tutorial in PHP5's language features and
functionality, beginning with the basics and building up to the design
and construction of complex data-driven Web sites. Fully functioning
applications are developed through the course of the book. Other
features of the book include installation guide and troubleshooting
tips, introduction to relational databases, practical working examples
and applications, and a detailed language reference.
Here are the new topics in this edition: OOP, PEAR, GTK, MSI, CLI, SQLite, Error handling with try/catch


Smashing CSS: Professional Techniques for Modern Layout
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 41rtGMQoTmL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_
Smashing CSS: Professional Techniques for Modern Layout

With Smashing CSS you will learn how to:

* Throw elements offscreen/hide them
* Create body/HTML backgrounds in XHTML
* Usemore than 15 layout techniques including clearfix, two/three simple
columns, faux columns, One True Layout, Holy Grail, em-based layout,
fluid grids, sticky footers, and more
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 37536

* Use a variety of CSS effects including CSS popups, boxpunching,
rounded corners, CSS sprites, Sliding Doors, Liquid Bleach, ragged
floats, and more
* Apply CSS table styling including using thead, tfoot, and tbody, row
headers, column-oriented styling (classes); styling data tables with
jQuery, tables to graphs, tables to maps; and more
* Use CSS3 elements including rounded corners, multiple backgrounds, RGBA, using jQuery to do CSS3 selections and so much more.


1500 Premium JavaScript Scripts
مجموعة كتب منوعة! Attachment


Dynamic HTML The Definitive Reference, 3rd Edition
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 0596527403.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V47291583_
Dynamic HTML The Definitive Reference, 3rd Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly Media | 2006 | PDF | 1328 pages | ISBN: 0596527403 | 9.22 Mb

Packed with information on the latest web specifications and browser
features, this new edition is your ultimate one-stop resource for HTML,
XHTML, CSS, Document Object Model (DOM), and javascript development.
Here is the comprehensive reference for designers of Rich Internet
Applications who need to operate in all modern browsers, including
Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Safari, and Opera.

With this book, you can instantly see browser support for the latest
standards-based technologies, including CSS Level 3, DOM Level 3, Web
Forms 2.0, XMLHttpRequest for AJAX applications, javascript 1.7, and
many more. This new edition:

* Provides at-a-glance references for the tags, attributes, objects,
properties, methods, and events of HTML, XHTML, CSS, DOM, and core
javascript. You can quickly look up a particular feature or language
term to see if it is available in desired browser brands and versions.
* Includes handy cross referencing that lets you look up an attribute
(or object property, method, or event type) to find all the items that
recognize it, including interrelated HTML tags, style properties, and
document object model methods, properties, and events.
* Offers appendices where you can quickly locate values useful in HTML
authoring and scripting. You'll find coverage of commands used across
three browsers for user-editable content.
* Includes a glossary that gives you quick explanations of some of the new and potentially confusing terminology of DHTML.

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference speeds the way to adding
sophisticated features to your web pages. Indispensable, complete, and
succinct, this bestselling guide is the must-have compendium for all web
developers involved in creating dynamic web content.


Database Programming with JDBC and Java, 2nd Edition
مجموعة كتب منوعة! 898cf1
Database Programming with JDBC and Java, 2nd Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly Media | 2000 | PDF | 328 pages | ISBN: 1565926161 | 5.45 Mb

The Java Database Connectivity classes (JDBC) sensibly provide an
interface between a platform-independent programming language (Java) and
a standardized database language (Structured Query Language, or SQL).
Pretty much every Java program that's involved in transactions or other
business operations connects to a database through JDBC; so, familiarity
with the JDBC classes can magnify your other Java skills. Database
Programming with JDBC and Java explains how JDBC fits into unitized
software applications in which various functional parts communicate over
a network. Author George Reese also shows how to write programs that
take advantage of the JDBC classes, emphasizing the most commonly used
ones (such as those that perform INSERT and SELECT operations), but
giving also the more obscure classes their due.

This book is essentially an ongoing lecture of increasing complexity. To
cite one thread, it begins with clear but academic examples that
involve discrete transactions (opening a connection, performing a query,
and closing the connection). It then moves on to connection pooling and
other JDBC-supported optimizations for the real world. A menagerie of
specialized sections on such topics as security and persistence rely
heavily on long code examples. A section on Swing programming seems kind
of out of place, but it's short. In sum, this slim volume is a great
introduction to JDBC for those who are looking to approach Java
distributed applications by way of database work.

Topics covered: The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) classes, with
emphasis on how JDBC code fits into distributed applications (so-called
enterprise applications) that use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) and Remote
Method Invocation (RMI). Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI),
serialization, persistence, security, and (especially) application
design receive plenty of attention. Fully a quarter of this book is a
reference (including statements of syntax and brief descriptions) to the
JDBC Core API and the JDBC Optional Package classes.

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